Most people think of an 妇产医院 as a doctor you see for pregnancy and pre-pregnancy care. 虽然这是部分准确的, the more complete picture is that your 妇产医院 can deliver high-quality care that specializes in women’s health. This can include broad and comprehensive aspects of your overall healthcare. That’s why many women will elect to make their 妇产医院 physician their primary care provider. This means you can see your 妇产医院 for annual checkups and to keep tabs on regular health issues.
在全球最大赌博365网站,我们是女性保健专家. 我们经常见到各个年龄段的妇女和女孩. And with more 妇产医院s in one office than any other clinic in the Yankton and Vermillion area, 我们能够快速提供高质量的护理, 富有同情心地, and effectively–so you can spend less time worrying about your health 和更多的 time living your life.
Avera Sacred Heart Hospital Women’s Services Unit Information Sheet- English
Avera Sacred Heart Hospital Women’s Services Unite Information Sheet- Spanish
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists- During 怀孕 Website Page
Obstetrics and gynecology are the medical and surgical treatments of diseases unique to women. 这包括定期检查, 巴氏涂片, 不孕不育治疗, 计划生育, 和照顾女人之前, 在, 分娩后. 妇产科医生(妇产医院)是产科和妇科的专家.
- 怀孕
- 劳动
- 分娩
- 产后护理
Gynecology includes diagnosis, treatment, and care of the reproductive system, including care of:
- 阴道
- 子宫
- 卵巢
- 输卵管
The 全球最大赌博365网站 妇产医院 team is dedicated to the care of their patients and provides these services:
- 提供简单的尿液样本进行分析
- 盆腔检查(内部和外部)
- 乳房检查
- 子宫颈抹片检查.
而 的指导方针 vary depending on age, many women elect to undergo physical exams on an annual basis. This helps both you and your provider stay on top of your general wellness. 不是每年的体检都是一样的, 巴氏涂片 are recommended only every three years but may be necessary more frequently based on risk factors).
在某些情况下,某些疾病的治疗可能需要手术. 许多妇科手术可以在门诊进行. 在这种情况下, patients may have the option to undergo their outpatient surgery at the 全球最大赌博365网站 Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC). 我们的ASC提供额外的舒适,方便和护理.
There are a wide variety of contraceptive therapies and options available today, 从避孕药到贴片再到宫内节育器. Your 妇产医院 can help you select the best contraception option for your goals and lifestyle. In some cases, your contraceptive may need to be placed by your 妇产医院 (for example, with an IUD). This can be scheduled 在 your annual visit or 在 a specific appointment.
怀孕 can be a joyful time in your life, but it’s also a serious medical condition. 因此,我们的妇产科医生可以提供孕前咨询. 在这些约会中,你可以讨论:
- 你的病史
- 你的整体风险因素
- 可能存在于宝宝身上的危险因素
- 你有什么健康问题吗
- 生活方式的改变可以改善你的怀孕状况
These appointments can help you prepare for your pregnancy–and minimize many pregnancy-related risks in the process.
产前护理是你在怀孕期间接受的护理. Getting the right prenatal care can help you minimize risks and complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth. 高危妊娠期间, you may require more prenatal care and monitoring than you would otherwise. Our 妇产医院 team will be with you throughout your pregnancy to provide prenatal care.
不孕症的发生有多种原因. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你确定病因并找到正确的治疗方法. This process could include a physical exam, an ultrasound, or the testing of hormones.
Infertility can be a particularly frustrating and stressful condition to contend with. 对于一些女性来说,药物治疗可以提供一个可能的解决方案. 例如, certain hormones can help promote ovulation and increase your chances of a successful outcome. Your 妇产医院 can help you work through fertility problems and refer you to a specialist when necessary.
Genetic testing and screening can help you determine whether you have a pronounced or hereditary risk of developing certain diseases. 遗传咨询可以帮助你理解这些风险. 这通常是为了确定遗传性癌症的风险, but genetic testing is also common when you become pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant.
Your 妇产医院 and a genetic counselor can help you determine whether genetic testing will be useful, 准确的, or warranted–and what you should do with the information once you have it.
Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, carry a significant amount of stigma and emotional weight. 你的妇产科医生会为你提供性传播感染的筛查. 许多性传播感染可以通过简单的治疗来治疗,例如抗生素. 其他性传播感染需要更强烈或更长期的治疗. Your 妇产医院 will be able to screen for STIs and provide necessary treatment or counseling.
更年期失调包括激素 替代疗法,骨质疏松症
Your body will go through significant changes as your hormones shift 在 perimenopause and menopause. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你控制这种转变的许多症状. 这包括激素治疗,在安全和有保证的情况下. 你的妇产科医生也可以帮助你监测围绝经期的典型症状, 包括骨质疏松症, 抑郁症, 和更多的.
月经周期是正常生活的一部分. 但有时你的月经周期会导致不舒服的症状. 你的妇产科医生可以帮助你监测、管理和减轻这些症状.
关于你自己的身体还有很多需要了解的! Your 妇产医院 can help you discover how to live your healthiest–and best–lifestyle. 这可能包括营养信息, 避孕信息, 癌症筛检资料, 和更多的. 你的妇产科医生会帮助你更好地了解你的身体.
自我乳房 考试教育
自我乳房检查是至关重要的一部分 早期癌症检测. 但如果你不确定如何去做,它们的效果就会降低. Your 妇产医院 can give you a quick tutorial–as well as an easy-to-follow list of dos and don’ts.
随着年龄的增长,你可能会失去骨骼中的钙含量. This can make your bones less dense 和更多的 brittle–a condition called osteoporosis. There are vitamin supplements and medical therapies that can help with osteoporosis, 防止将来出现虚弱的休息.
激素替代 therapies can help you manage various issues, including perimenopause. 但激素替代疗法并不适用于 每个人都. Talking to your 妇产医院 can help highlight the benefits and possible drawbacks of hormone replacement therapy.
Whether your 妇产医院 is your primary care physician–or working in concert with your primary care doctor–they are an important part of your overall healthcare. So if you haven’t been to a well-woman visit in a while, now’s the perfect time to schedule one.
Find out which of our physicians see patients at a location near you by visiting our 页面位置.
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